The Church registered as an Eco Church in 2019 and has been working to better care for the environment locally and beyond. The Eco Church scheme encourages the congregation to look at its worship and teaching, buildings, land, community and local engagement and finally our personal lifestyles. More information at Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project At present the Church has reached Bronze Award, though in the areas of land and teaching we have achieved a Gold Award level. There is no room for complacency and we recognise that there is still much to do.
One of the key church projects is ‘the Meadow’ an area beyond our churchyard that we are developing as a nature area to be enjoyed by wildlife and the local community. We have planted native hedging and trees, created paths and provided a feeding station for birds. We hold working parties on Saturday mornings once a month involving people from the church and wider community. For more information contact the minister here.