The United Nation’s World Environment Day is 5 June each year. This year, the focus was on plastic pollution. There is debate about how much of our rubbish is actually being recycled. If we put 10 plastic bottles in the recycling bin and 50% is recycled that’s 5 bottles, if we put 100 bottles in, that’s […]
May Celebrations
Following Easter, the month of May has a lot to celebrate too. The King’s coronation on the Saturday is followed by a coronation cake at Cores End on Sunday 7 May. Join us at 10:30am for our family service. Bank holiday Monday is also “No Socks” day which I will be celebrating on my own! Later […]
The Easter Question?
Wikipedia says “Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically.” Who do you think Jesus was? A real person, a preacher, politician, revolutionary, healer, philosopher or cult leader? Was he good, kind, dangerous, evil, weak, innocent or divine? On Good Friday, there will be a short service of reflection on the dark […]
1 April Eggs-travaganza
Invitation to all: Welcome to our church on Saturday 1st April between 10 am and 12 noon. Come and enjoy our coffee morning in aid of the WaterAid charity. Free egg hunt around the place for children. Coffee, buns and a chat. Stalls with all sorts of bargains to browse. We enjoyed meeting friends and […]
Epiphany, what does it mean? a moment of inspiration or realisation the day after twelfth night when we take the Christmas decorations down the 3 kings visiting baby Jesus Many countries have a day off and various traditions on January 6 to celebrate those men from the East who saw a star and were sure it […]
Advent Calendar opened?
Decorations dusted off? Hoping for present inspiration? Diaries filling up with drinks and nibbles? Some thrive, some struggle at this time of year. All are welcome to our Carol Service Sunday 18th December at 6.30 pm. Spend some time with the story of people, young and old, friends and strangers brought together by a child. […]
Preparing for Christmas
All are welcome to our Christmas Coffee Morning, coming soon. Saturday 26 November, 10 am to 12 noon. Come and have a hot drink, mince pie, chat and browse the stalls. There will be homemade cakes, handicrafts, pre-loved books, gifts and a few surprises!
Local litter
One Saturday in May, three of us went round the church grounds and the local roads, for one hour. With pickers and bin bags in hand, we collected the usual assortment of wrappers, papers, bits of string, rubber bands, cans, bottles and the odd child’s toy. It seemed such a token gesture, swimming against the […]
Peace at Cliveden
If you are walking round the Cliveden estate (National Trust), look out for the tribute to Ukraine. It’s hidden away in the peaceful woodlands near the amphitheatre. Pause, ponder, pray. In other places in the local area, Ukraine flags are springing up. In the dress hire shop in Wooburn Green, the window display shows it’s […]